England / South East England / Kent / Medway / Gillingham, Medway
Your guide to the best care homes around Gillingham, Medway.
With excellent transport connections, care seekers living in a Gillingham care home will have no trouble exploring popular locations across Kent, including the best care homes in Maidstone, Chatham, and Rochester.
In Gillingham, you’ll find state-of-the-art dementia care homes and nursing homes - both of which will provide your loved one with 24/7 support from trained medical professionals. We also list residential care homes that will assist your loved one with daily personal hygiene tasks such as washing and getting dressed.
Every Gillingham care home is rated by the Care Quality Commission, with many boasting ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ ratings, such as Friston House. This home is packed with top-notch facilities, including a communal dining area, idyllic gardens and a beauty salon. It also contains an activity room, where a dedicated activity coordinator will organise various meaningful activities for all residents to take part in.
Check out our helpful listings above for additional information, including weekly care home costs and whether bedrooms include en-suite facilities.
You can also speak to our knowledgeable care experts for tailored support.
Here is some further information about care homes in Gillingham, Medway.
We have 723 care homes in Gillingham, Medway. All our homes have been hand-picked by our team of care experts based on a number of factors, including the quality of care and the home's culture.
Care home costs vary significantly across the country. If you're looking for a care home in Gillingham, Medway, the average cost of care is £1,474. You may be eligible for care home funding - you can check through a care needs assessment.
Yes, every Gillingham, Medway care home has been given a rating by England's Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Gillingham, Medway's Care Regulator:
Care Quality Commission