England / London / Greater London / Harrow / Stanmore
Your guide to the best care homes around Stanmore.
Stanmore is part of the London Borough of Harrow in London and is home to some lovely green spaces, as well as the best-rated elderly care homes in the area - perfect for anyone searching for their new home.
We’ve handpicked the best local care homes in Stanmore, including purpose-built residential care homes and state-of-the-art dementia homes. There are also nursing homes and respite care homes in Stanmore, if your loved one needs a rest following a hospital stay or a period of illness. We’ve done our best to find homes with a rating of ‘Good’ or above from the CQC (Care Quality Commission), just like Woodland Hall.
All homes have been specifically designed with residents’ comfort in mind and are fully equipped with modern amenities such as spacious bedrooms, ensuite bathrooms, on-site hairdressing salons, plenty of lounges, gardens and much more.
If you’re open to exploring other locations in the area, we also have care home listings for Edgware, Harrow and Borehamwood.
Here is some further information about care homes in Stanmore.
We have 1276 care homes in Stanmore. All our homes have been hand-picked by our team of care experts based on a number of factors, including the quality of care and the home's culture.
Care home costs vary significantly across the country. If you're looking for a care home in Stanmore, the average cost of care is £1,776. You may be eligible for care home funding - you can check through a care needs assessment.
Yes, every Stanmore care home has been given a rating by England's Care Quality Commission (CQC).
We have 1 in Stanmore that provide specialist, 24/7 support. All of our nursing homes in Stanmore offer personalised support for anyone who has a medical condition or disability that requires round-the-clock care from registered nurses in a home-from-home environment.
We have 1 care homes in Stanmore that offer residential care, which provides support and care for those who may find it difficult to live independently. Our residential care homes in Stanmore provide support for everyday tasks, including washing, mobility, and dressing.
We have 1 Stanmore care homes that provide round-the-clock dementia care. Those with dementia will need more care as the condition progresses, and specialist dementia care homes in Stanmore can provide the level of support they need.
We've rounded up the best Alzheimer's care homes across the UK - they've been handpicked by our team of care experts for their specialised care, round-the-clock support and comforting environments.
If you're looking for temporary respite care, we have 1 care homes in Stanmore that provide short-term stays.
Respite care homes in Stanmore provide relief for caregivers, offering a few weeks of support in a care home for a loved one while you recuperate. We've rounded up the best respite care homes in the UK to ease your care search.
1 Stanmore care homes provide palliative care for your loved one. A palliative care home aims to provide the highest level of support and comfort to every resident. End-of-life care can be an emotional experience for everyone, so our care experts will support you at every step.
Stanmore's Care Regulator:
Care Quality Commission