Search and compare home care services in your local area
Lottie are partnered with over 60 home care providers across England offering local care services from the South of England to the North of England.
At Lottie we've partnered with a variety of home care providers across the country that have been handpicked and vetted by our care experts for their CQC ratings and high levels of personalised care. You can use our search filters to find a local home care service that best suits your care needs and requirements.
Home carers are on hand to help you to continue living independently in your own home. They offer care tailored to your unique requirements and can support household tasks such as meal preparation, cooking, housekeeping and personal care.
Home care allows you to continue to live in your own home whilst receiving any additional care or support you require. Lottie's experts have created helpful home care guides, explaining what home care is, the types of support available and much more to help you find out more about your care options.
You can also use our search to filter your search for a local home care provider by the type of care, hourly rate, and any unique care requirements such as support with personal care and mobility.
Home care services allow you to receive the care and support you need from your own home and can be an alternative to a care home when you or your loved one require specialised support.
There are a variety of home care options including domiciliary care and live in care, so it’s important to consider all your options when searching for a local provider.
The average cost of domiciliary care in the UK is £28 per hour and the average cost of live-in care is £1,596 per week, and will vary depending on your location.
To help you find the best home care service to suit your unique care needs we’ve created helpful guides covering a number of topics including: