England / London / Greater London / Tower Hamlets
Your guide to the best care homes around Tower Hamlets.
Tower Hamlets is known as one of the most diverse London boroughs. We’ve made it easy to compare Tower Hamlets care homes, thanks to our detailed listings above, which contain useful information such as overall Care Quality Commission ratings and weekly care home fees.
From residential care homes in Tower Hamlets like Rosewood House to specialist nursing homes and dementia homes with professional carers on hand around the clock, you’re certain to find the right home for your loved one.
We also offer convalescent care homes for people recovering from an illness or injury, along with some of the best respite care homes.
To further ease your care search, we’ve rounded up care homes in the neighbouring boroughs of Hackney, Newham and Southwark as well.
Our friendly care experts are here to help, and will be more than happy to answer any questions you have about Tower Hamlets care homes.
Here is some further information about care homes in Tower Hamlets.
We have 1842 care homes in Tower Hamlets. All our homes have been hand-picked by our team of care experts based on a number of factors, including the quality of care and the home's culture.
Care home costs vary significantly across the country. If you're looking for a care home in Tower Hamlets, the average cost of care is £1,706. You may be eligible for care home funding - you can check through a care needs assessment.
Yes, every Tower Hamlets care home has been given a rating by England's Care Quality Commission (CQC).