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The Eldercare Exit

How to recognise and ease the signs of caregiver burnout

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Our expert

Robin Hill



8 August 2022

Forget French Exits, Quiet Quitting and other newfangled terms associated with employees boycotting the workplace. The Eldercare Exit is well underway and is only going to become more exacerbated over the next few years:

Eldercare vs childcare graph

Source: The Office for National Statistics

By the end of 2024, the ONS predicts more employees will have an elderly person dependent on them than a child.

80% of employees with eldercare responsibilities admit balancing work and care affects their performance, however, only 20% of organisations surveyed were aware of this.

Since COVID-19, 2.8 million workers have taken on carer responsibilities. It is also estimated that 350,000 employees a year leave work to care for a loved one.

The above makes for pretty irrefutable reading. Employees are either leaving their job to care for a loved one or are desperately struggling to find a balance between work and care. It couldn’t be more inopportune timing either. Lottie’s Seniorcare Lead, Ronan Harvey-Kelly, says this is the tipping point of the caregiving crisis in the UK:

It isn't surprising to see that online searches for mental health worries from carers have reached an all-time high. Whilst looking after a loved one can be a very rewarding experience, it isn't without it's challenges. Now add into the mix a rise in cost of living - and possibly financially supporting a loved one - it's clear to see why the mental wellbeing of carers across the UK is at risk.

Our expert

Ronan Harvey-Kelly

SeniorCare Lead

What can organisations do to help?

But there’s no need for doom and gloom. Whilst the impending crisis is leaving thousands of employees frayed at the edges, there are hosts of progressive businesses that are changing the way they work to combat The Eldercare Exit. From flexibility to culture, support to benefits, there are many ways employers can help.

Give your benefits a boost

Seniorcare by Lottie is the UK’s only dedicated eldercare employee benefit. With the help of an experienced team of Care Experts, Seniorcare is able to find the right care to suit your loved one and advise, support and guide you throughout your journey. This simple, affordable solution is easy to implement and alleviates the burden employees face day-to-day.

Build a community

Get talking. As a team, management or organisation, build a network of support where employees can discuss their issues freely. This transparency can create a more supportive culture and allow employees to learn from each other's experience in this crucial part of their lives.

Provide mental health support

Charities like Mind are able to give free support for anyone struggling to deal with the mental health hardship. Let your employees know that there are many avenues accessible to them for free to help ease mental health concerns. This will help them care for the person they love and allow them to work without inhibition. If you want to do more to stop The Eldercare Exit in your own workplace. Visit Seniorcare by Lottie today and find out more about how we are helping people care for their loved ones without leaving work.